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    ChatTube AI-Powered YouTube Video Interactor

    ChatTube uses AI to enable real-time interactions with YouTube videos, providing answers to queries, summarizing key points, and translating dialogues.
    4) Category: Video Editing, AI Assistants, and Communication Technology
    5) Product Tags:
    – AI Chat
    – YouTube Interaction
    – Video Translation
    6) Conversion: Video to Text
    7) Product is for YouTube Users, Content Creators, and Language Learners
    8) Paid Plan: Free, with paid plans for advanced features
    9) Platform: Web Application
    10) Pricing: Free with optional premium features at a cost
    11) Tasks it completes: Video Interaction, Content Translation, Real-time Summarization
    12) The minimum price for using this AI is free, with premium features available at an

  • Call Annie – Video call AI assistant for life coaching and learning

    Call Annie is a versatile AI assistant that facilitates video calls for various purposes, including communication, coaching, learning, problem-solving, and emotional support. It leverages advanced technologies to provide personalized assistance and continuously improves its capabilities to meet user needs effectively.


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