Browser extension

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    AI-PRM ChatGPT Optimizer

    • Unleash the full potential of ChatGPT with AI-PRM. Remove restrictions, access enhanced features, and experience unparalleled text generation capabilities within your browser.
    • Whether you’re creating content, exploring ideas, or automating tasks, AI-PRM unlocks new possibilities with ChatGPT, empowering you to do more with the power of AI.
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    BrowseGPT Web Automation

    • Automate repetitive tasks and streamline your web browsing experience with BrowseGPT. Powered by AI, this browser extension completes tasks with simple text commands, saving you time and effort.
    • Browse the web hands-free, navigate to websites, fill forms, click buttons, and more, all without lifting a finger. Focus on what matters while BrowseGPT takes care of the mundane.

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